Gemstone jewellery

The stone of hope “Emerald”: it is a very precious stone!

The emerald is classified as a precious stone. It is the stone of knowledge, protection, wisdom and bliss. It is also the stone of the bearer of light (the pope wears one), for the one whose mission is to radiate…

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The origin of birthstones

Birthstones are gems used in jewellery that are associated with certain months of the year. Each month therefore has a stone attached to it. For reasons of virtues, of compatibility with the sign of the zodiac, but also according to…

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Opal stone jewellery: what you need to know?

The opal with its rainbow colours seduces the eye and has an effective effect on mental and physical well-being. This precious stone enhances sensations, trains perception and inspires. Already in the Middle Ages, people used healing stones, but it was…

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