Known for their superb purple colour in a variety of shades, amethyst healing crystals are often used as jewellery because when placed against the skin, they act as a natural anti-stress. Amethyst amplifies positive waves while cleansing the body of negative energy, including toxic emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, etc. Amethyst stimulates the mind and encourages spiritual growth by protecting the aura from harmful metaphysical debris. When you wear an amethyst bracelet or have a stone in your home, it encourages you to engage in positive introspection, which helps you access your true feelings and increase your intuition. Our amethyst bracelets stimulate and balance the crown and eyebrow chakras, making them powerful crystals for getting in touch with your true personality.

If you are prone to frequent headaches or migraines, amethyst is a useful healing tool for pain relief. Try soaking an upside down piece of amethyst in water and rub it on your forehead in a circle in a counter-clockwise direction. For a complete cleaning of the chakra, place amethyst stones above your head in a healing plan. This helps to open and activate the crown chakra, which is the energy centre of inner wisdom and intuition. In crystal healing, amethyst stones are also used to create a protective field when placed around the body. For even more cleansing and grounding effects, you can also place Smoky Quartz under your feet.

To get the most out of your amethyst therapy session, perform a quick purification ritual by burning sage and sacred Palo Santo, one of the quickest ways to eliminate toxic energy. As they burn, hold them over an abalone shell, which will catch the ashes and serve as a bowl for storing your cleaning tools. Our sage cleaning kit includes everything you need for an energetic clean-up, such as an abalone shell, a white sage stick and a feather to move the smoke. As your crystals wrap themselves in smoke feathers, cleanse the opportunity to program the stones with the intention of healing them. Create a sacred healing space by lighting a candle and meditating, which may involve the simple act of breathing in positivity and expressing negativity.

During this quiet moment of personal reflection, meditate on what is really important to you, the first step to discovering the best intention for your amethyst stone. Think about the areas of your life that need to be upgraded and then specify what you want to achieve with your Amethyst jewellery. If you want to give even more sensations, write your intention on a piece of paper, making sure to express what you are going to achieve in the present tense. This creates a positive state of mind that will encourage you to continue working towards your goals. Wearing amethyst jewellery is an easy way to infuse the healing vibrations of dark purple into your life. This rich shadow is associated with spiritual transformation and the awakening of the spirit according to your divine purpose. These flashes of intelligence must be balanced by grounding stones. This is why our healing bracelet includes a combination of gemstones to keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground.

Amethyst jewellery

Reconnect with your inner wisdom and intuition with our amethyst jewellery. Our Attraction of Angels bracelet is composed of crystals associated with the angelic kingdom such as angelite, aquamarine, Chevron amethyst and brass. Let the calm and peaceful energy of their synergistic healing properties wash over you like a gentle wave of tranquility. Get in touch with your inner wisdom by wearing our Restful Nights bracelet, which harnesses the calm, intuitive energy of Amethyst with the healing qualities of brass and howlite. The Anger Release bracelet is another type of amethyst jewellery designed to soothe anger. It is designed with the calm and intuitive energy of amethyst and the properties of Namibian Chalcedony, Brazilian Aventurine and brass. For general cleansing and energising effects, the 7 chakra bracelet is designed with a variety of stones associated with the cleansing and activation of the seven chakras. It supports all energy centres with Carnelian, a solar plexus chakra stone, Amethyst, a coronary chakra stone, like those available at MINERALS KINGDOM and much more. With a rainbow of colours, it adds a vibrant and powerful energetic touch to any outfit.

How to use your amethyst jewellery

Amethyst jewellery does not have to be worn as a necklace or bracelet. In fact, many people use their crystal necklaces as meditation beads, which can be used in any type of therapeutic session, from yoga to meditation. To keep the energy in your Amethyst jewellery clean and activated, we recommend storing it on a large selenite stone, known as one of the most powerful purifying crystals in the mineral kingdom.

In the mineral kingdom, amethyst is the ultimate stone for meditation because of its calming effect on the mind. Whenever you feel the influence of negative influences, use amethyst medicine to balance your mind and emotions. If your coronary chakra energy is low, amethyst jewellery helps redirect egocentric thought patterns to a deeper understanding of the psyche. When you wear this gentle healing stone in jewellery, it helps to free you from the dark side of vanity and pride. If you find yourself caught up in ego-related inner conflicts, stick to the amethyst and discover the difference of not just surviving, but thriving in all aspects of life.

In astrology, amethyst is particularly beneficial for the signs of Sagittarius, as its calming effects help to balance their restless nature. This powerful crown of stone chakras also testifies to their love of philosophy and their constant search for the meaning of life. For the undecided aquarius, amethyst jewellery helps to soothe an overactive mind with peace and tranquility, a state that encourages insight and wisdom. And when it comes to discovering the higher self, amethyst is a must for imaginative and sensitive Pisces.

Because of its reputation for spiritual enlightenment and healing, amethyst jewellery is often combined with heart chakra stones such as aquamarine and rose quartz. In the healing crystal, this energy cocktail restores balance in the mind by helping you to open your heart and face all challenges with love and compassion. With amethyst and its coronary chakra connection, it opens the doors to insight, which is connected by heart chakra stones. When these energy spaces are connected, you can truly know yourself, the beginning of wisdom.

The obsidian stone is a stone that acts especially against blockages, trauma, shocks and fears. As a powerful natural stone, it relieves tension, promotes wound healing processes and is an excellent aid to hemostasis.

Natural stones, be they protective stones or semi-precious stones, possess unique virtues that have a positive effect on the physical and mental level. The energies of the stone are particularly curative in combination with other therapeutic methods. If you are interested in learning more about stone’s virtues, you can visit The obsidian stone is also frequently used as a complementary healing stone. It helps to treat trauma and past experiences, increases perception and brings to light hidden abilities.

Meaning of obsidian

The name “Obsidian” dates back to the Roman Obsidian who, according to legend, brought the first stone with him on a journey from Ethiopia to Rome. Because obsidians are very compact and have extremely sharp breaking edges, the first humans already used the glass of volcanic rock as a cutting tool or as a weapon. In ancient times, mirrors and art objects were made of obsidian. The natives of the American continent made various utensils and sculptures from this volcanic glass.

Glass lava stone in powder form is used in the construction industry as an additive for mineral wool. Until today, the obsidian stone has significance in lithotherapy as a semi-precious stone, birthstone and protection stone. A special variety of rock is the snowflake obsidian. This semi-precious natural stone forms white, snowflake-like spots on the surface of water during their formation. This happens because crystallisation has already occurred in these places. This special kind of snowflake obsidian is found especially in the volcanic regions of Greece and Turkey.

Properties of obsidian

Obsidian stone is a pebble-rich rock belonging to volcanic glass that rises from viscous magma. The rock mass does not crystallise, but a solid, glass-like structure is formed. This gemstone is mainly black. However, through mixtures, various other colours such as:

Obsidians may also contain inclusions of feldspar and quartz crystals. Varieties include silver obsidian, smoked obsidian, snowflake obsidian, mahogany obsidian, black obsidian, celestial eye obsidian, rainbow obsidian and golden obsidian.

For obsidian stone there are many known sites – wherever volcanic activity has taken place or is taking place: Indonesia, Greece, Iceland, Japan, Turkey, USA, Russia, Hungary, Guatemala. The gemstones are very close to the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius and Scorpio. As a protective stone, it protects against negative influences and promotes the achievement of life’s goals. The healing stone helps the scorpion to release obsolete blockages. Obsidians are also important side stones for the zodiac signs Libra and Capricorn.

The emerald is classified as a precious stone. It is the stone of knowledge, protection, wisdom and bliss. It is also the stone of the bearer of light (the pope wears one), for the one whose mission is to radiate divine truth. It brings peace, calm and harmony between the physical, emotional and mental planes. It symbolises the 40 years of marriage. Acts on the immune system, blood diseases, preventive actions on the cardiovascular system (heart chakra) – Digestive sphere, pancreas, liver (solar chakra) – Eyes (direct application of the stone or as an elixir). To be used in support of curative treatments such as: varicose veins, haemorrhoids, thrombosis, cardiovascular accidents.. ). Associated with rose quartz, kunzite, it relieves emotional suffering. In contact with other stones, it loses its properties.

Emerald is certainly one of the most astonishing stones. Its penetrating green glow of light is impressive. During the day, this stone surprises with its natural brilliance and at night, it takes on a completely different appearance by absorbing all the light sources that come against it. The bright green emerald has a velvety sheen with transparent water running through its veins. At the same time of an incomparable natural beauty and carrying many virtues for its users.

Properties of emerald

Emerald belongs to the category of silicates, a sub-category of cyclosilicates. This stone belongs to the large beryl family and is distinguished by its very natural green colour, which changes from pale green to deep green depending on the light that surrounds it. This colour is mainly due to the presence of chromium in its composition or sometimes also vanadium.

Emerald is a hard mineral (7.5/8 on a scale of 10). There are more transparent variants of this crystal, sometimes with hints of crystals or even carbon which forms an asterism on the stone. Emerald can become cloudy in the presence of gas or liquid to take on a frosty character, more commonly known as “the garden”.

Emerald comes essentially from the contact of magmatic or hydrothermal veins with metamorphic rocks, transformed as a result of a significant rise in temperature or pressure. They can be found in various forms in micaschists, pegmatites and quartz. In deposits, emeralds are often associated with other crystals such as pyrites, albites, fluorites, apatites, calcites or barytes.

Emerald is also confused with other stones of the same colour such as Green Fluorite (African emerald), Peridot, Dioptsase (copper emerald), Aventurine, Hiddenite (lithic emerald), Grosular tsavorite, Green Tourmaline (Siberian or Brazilian emerald), Green Sapphire (oriental emerald) and Demantoid (Ural emerald).

Emerald will be considered as one of the four “precious” stones in the same way as sapphire, lerubis and diamond, until 2002.

Virtues of emerald in lithotherapy

Its natural green colour makes emerald a stone of hope par excellence. But this mineral is also considered a source of love and wisdom. In ancient times, emerald was regarded as the ideal weapon to chase away sadness and dark thoughts. It is also associated with different chakras, mainly the heart, crown and third eye chakras like those available at for instance.

Emerald to heal physical ailments

Emerald is a stone known for its invigorating and fortifying virtues, particularly in terms of digestion. In lithotherapy, it is used to relieve various ailments. Among others, eye diseases and eye fatigue, angina, coryza, flu, sinusitis and otitis, liver, pancreas, kidneys, migraines, as well as joint pains such as arthritis and rheumatism. Emerald also helps to improve the work of the intestines. It strengthens the immune system and protects the spine. People suffering from epilepsy can also benefit from the calming properties of emerald. This crystal is also recommended to help a patient heal more quickly.

Emerald elixirs are also recommended to help strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the visual organs and purify the body.

The virtues of emerald on the mind and relationships

Emerald brings the much sought-after inner peace, as a stone of love, harmony and knowledge. Recommended for all people who wish to find balance in their lives, this stone is used daily. In lithotherapy, it is recognised for its many virtues.

Emerald heals the ills linked to ailments. It improves memory and makes feelings of love more balanced. This stone is recommended to make family relationships easier, especially in case of generational shock. In children and adults alike, emerald stimulates knowledge and learning. At the relational level, it is the most sought-after crystal to help people to be loyal and sociable. Wearing emerald allows to better understand certain situations, to discern the true from the false, to open up to all possibilities, to remain calm in all situations. This crystal helps us to be more moderate, more tolerant. To have it with you is to build a shield against differences. It also reduces fear in claustrophobic people.

Birthstones are gems used in jewellery that are associated with certain months of the year. Each month therefore has a stone attached to it. For reasons of virtues, of compatibility with the sign of the zodiac, but also according to the colours and influences that are attributed to it, each stone chosen takes on its full meaning.

To discover the birthstones that are attached to each month of the year, do not hesitate to consult the pages dedicated to them. You will learn more about them and will be able to choose gifts, to offer or to give to yourself, which are in perfect adequacy with the month of the birthday.

Ideal to help you find a suitable gift, the birthstones will allow you to determine a selection. You will be able to choose the jewel you need from the large selection of Trabbia Vuillermoz jewellery.

The origin of birthstones goes back thousands of years. The stones were used to decorate the ceremonial clothes of Jewish priests. These 12 stones represented both the 12 tribes of Israel, but also the months of the year and thus became birthstones.

At that time, knowledge about gemstones was not very advanced and relatively imprecise, so at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1912 to be precise, an association of jewellers chose to clarify matters by associating one or two well-defined stones each month, taking care to respect the origins and associations of the stone months.

This classification has since then provided clarity and help in choosing a piece of jewellery that fully corresponds to a birth according to the month of the latter.

January birthstone: garnet

The first birthstone of the year opens the ball with a beautiful velvet colour ranging from red to green. The birthstone for January is garnet. This gem known for its intense colours will reveal some interesting information about its association with the month of January in the page dedicated to it.

Mainly red-brown, garnet can also be endowed with multiple colours. For example, it can be expressed in various shades from pink to intense red, but it can also be green. Variations in colour are due to different chemical compositions, but do not detract from the brilliance and intensity of this gem. Madagascar, Tanzania and India are the three main garnet mining countries. In France, garnet was once mined in the eastern Pyrenees.

September’s birthstone: sapphire

Sapphire is the birthstone of the month of September, it is intense and radiant. It reveals, during this month of transition between summer and autumn, exceptional shades and brilliance. You will be able to offer an exceptional gift by choosing this gemstone which knows how to charm at first sight.

Sapphire is mainly of a deep blue colour that is recognisable among a thousand, but there are other colours that allow this stone to offer a variety of shades and unique jewellery. Purity, wisdom and immortality are the three main virtues with which sapphire is adorned. Visit for more. The main sapphire mines are located in the province of Kashmir, but also in Sri Lanka. The humid tropical zones are generally the most favourable for these deposits (Madagascar, India, Burma, Brazil…).

Birthstone of May: the emerald

The emerald with its green colour is attached to this beautiful and cool month of May. The perfect embodiment of the new explosion of nature, the emerald accompanies this 5th month of the year marvellously. Birthstone of the month of May discover all the affinities that exist between this stone and this month.

Emerald and its variations in green dress different jewels; it is thanks to its intensity and unique brilliance that emerald has become one of the most prized stones in jewellery. The virtues of the latter are calming and strengthening love and friendship.

Emeralds come mainly from deposits in Colombia, Zambia and Brazil.

Birthstone of November: the citrine

Illuminate this dreary month of November with a luminous and radiant stone. The bright yellow of the citrine is recognisable among a thousand. The birthstone of the month of November, it accompanies all the births of that month with brilliance and tonicity.

Citrine is a gem with a radiant and tonic gem, and its virtues are also in the same dynamic. In fact, it is readily lent its capacities which favour good waves and allow a greater efficiency notably concerning concentration. Happiness and joy are two feelings that citrine promotes and develops. Citrine is mainly found in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Brazil, Madagascar.

A Yoni egg is made from a smooth, solid crystal stone, initially jade, which is intended to slide gently into each woman’s vagina. This custom allowed each woman to regain contact with the deepest and most radiant life force in her body: sexual energy and your sacred feminine.

A short history of Yoni’s egg

Yoni’s eggs were part of the Taoist tradition and landed in the West after an interminable journey strewn with pitfalls and bravado of prohibitions.

The use of the egg had begun secretly, but the practice had taken on a new dimension in ancient China. It was taught only to queens and concubines. Some even argue that originally, through the teaching of this practice, the aim was to please the king at the time of the sexual act. Then this practice was extended.

Mothers would give their young daughters who had just had their first menstrual period a small egg. This meant that they had become women. Yoni’s egg strengthens women’s perineum, making it more tonic, but it also makes women more confident, more dynamic and frees them from trauma.

Subsequently, Yoni’s eggs were banned for unknown reasons, but it seems because it allowed women to have too much pleasure, to emancipate themselves somehow, and this constitutes a danger for the hegemony of men. They wanted their women to be under their control at all times.

Zoom in on this intriguing little thing that is highly emblematic.
In the beginning, Yoni’s eggs were made of jade, a fine egg-shaped chiselled stone inherited from the Taoist tradition. It was even their fetish object. Later, the Yoni egg was made from other stones.

It is inserted into the vagina and has innumerable virtues for the well-being of women. It is likely to help them to acquire a better approach to their “inner self” allowing them to connect to their vagina and offers them the possibility to evolve towards a radiant future.

But why this form of the egg? This choice is rather symbolic as the egg-like egg embodies the first phase of life. It is the symbol of fertility, of rebirth.

How to use a Yoni Egg?

There are two ways to use a Yoni egg:

The virtues of the Yoni egg

If used regularly, the virtues of this fine stone are innumerable, and are of a physical, sexual and psychic nature.

On the physical level, used following childbirth, or during the menopause, and even from adolescence onwards, exercises using the egg make it possible to stress some muscles of the perineum and to tone it, to soften it. This practice will have a positive impact on your femininity, your lifestyle and your sexual radiance. It will allow you to enjoy excellent vaginal lubrication due to improved blood circulation in the vagina.

On the other hand, using the Yoni egg helps to prevent organ descent and urine leakage, to regulate menstrual flow, to soothe menstrual pain and premenstrual symptoms. It is also proven effective if you are preparing for childbirth and in some cases it can help to detect the existence of a fibroid.

Yoni egg also helps to enrich tissue oxygenation, improve blood circulation, hormones and energy.

The egg is also able to stimulate your libido. You will discover stronger intimate sensations and a more fulfilling connection to your sexual area.

So you can have a physical, carnal relationship with your Yoni egg. It helps you to create a connection with your intimacy. Its virtues are therefore, of course, sexual: the toning caused by the Yoni egg allows you to better control your desire, to increase the intensity of orgasms tenfold, to prolong them and to make them more sensual for the man and for the couple.

On the psychic level, the Yoni egg will help you to free your memory of intimate traumas: rape, miscarriage, abortion… Thus, it has the power to dilute the memories embedded in your tissues, to make them less heavy, less aggressive.

How to choose your Yoni egg?

In fact, the choice remains very personal and each woman knows intuitively what would suit her. But if it’s the first time, you hesitate to make your choice. Here we will help you to do so by showing you the different sizes and our recommendations.

Yoni eggs are mainly available in 3 sizes:

If you are new to this practice, it would be best to start with the large or medium size. This may surprise you, but you should know that the big egg feels better and that it will help you to work your sensitivity better at the height of Yoni, this sacred den.

Then you will be able to progressively reduce the size of the egg because with exercise, the tone of your perineum becomes more and more assertive and now you have got to know this area of your body perfectly.

Which egg to choose: jade, pink quartz or obsidian?

Each stone has its own therapeutic virtues.

Jade nephrite :

This fine stone helps to strengthen the body’s natural self-healing abilities. It diffuses infrared rays that are beneficial for the body, for blood circulation and for cell regeneration.

Jade nephrite can be used especially for healing:

Rose Quartz :

This crystal is capable of providing a gentle energy of commiseration, serenity, well-being, comfort.

Often referred to as the stone of love, Rose Quartz helps to develop excellent self-esteem. Its therapeutic virtues help strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation.

It has been offered as a token of love since 600 BC. The Egyptians and Romans also used it to purify their skin and prevent wrinkles.

Obsidian :

It is a fine stone with protective properties. It could be used to reduce the pain of arthritis and osteoarthritis, and also to soothe cramps and stomach problems. It can help you digest well and improve your blood circulation.

The Obsidian also has the power to neutralize negative energies and to develop inner peace by creating harmony between the different chakras. It is therefore the perfect way to free yourself from resentment, anxiety and acrimonies that have piled up in your daily life or at work.

Contra-indication :

Although the Yoni egg has proven therapeutic powers, it is sometimes not recommended to use it, especially if you are pregnant or if you have just given birth. It may be an extraordinary practice to start after you have given birth, but seek the advice of your midwife or doctor before doing so.

It is also best to remove the egg immediately if you feel any discomfort.

You should also avoid inserting the egg if you have an infection of the vagina, clitoris or bladder or if you have your period.

Kundalini Yoga doctrine teaches us that our body houses 7 major energy centres, called chakras, which are distributed along the spine, from the pelvic floor (root chakra) to the top of the skull (coronal chakra or crown).

Our vital energy constantly circulates between these 7 chakras, enabling us to achieve harmony on the physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual levels. When an imbalance occurs (caused by illness or psychological shock, for example), the circulation of vital energy is disrupted and our well-being is put into question.

Lithotherapy stones and crystals can help us to harmonise the energies of our chakras. Let’s see how.

How to harmonize our 7 chakras with the Lithotherapy stones and crystals?

If you have already ordered a piece of jewellery or natural stones from our online shop, you must have received our free guide on lithotherapy. In this book, we briefly explain how to use stones and minerals to harmonize our 7 main chakras. Here is a reminder of this:

The simplest method is to determine which chakras are out of balance, in order to focus your work on these particular energy centres. Alternatively, you can choose to work on all of them simultaneously. Or even one after the other, starting with the first chakra “Muladhara”. The most accessible method, and certainly the most effective too, is the technique of meditation with the stones. This way of doing things has been described by Philip Permutt in his book “Ces pierres qui guérissent” (“The Healing Stones”, published by “les courriers du livre”). Nowadays, it is the technique of predilection of most of the practitioners of Lithotherapy, in France as everywhere else. Here is a brief description:

Isolate yourself away from noise and agitation, then settle comfortably in a lying position. Place the appropriate stones and crystals along your body. Each stone precisely on the chakra that corresponds to it.

If you prefer, you can work on only one chakra at a time, and therefore with only one stone. You will take care of the following chakras in future meditation sessions.

Meditate in this way for a minimum of 10 minutes (20 minutes is recommended), in a calm and serene atmosphere. Remember to light a stick of incense, or to diffuse your favourite home perfume: this will help you to empty your mind.

It is important to concentrate on the energies circulating around you, and avoid thinking about anything that might divert your attention. Immerse yourself in the deepest possible meditative state and surrender yourself totally to this state of absolute serenity.

Once the session is over, you can remove the stones, purify them and put them away (they will be ready for the next session).

For a smoother harmonization work, you can choose to wear a 7 chakra jewel or jewels made of stones specially chosen according to the chakra to be balanced, then wear them throughout the day. But don’t delude yourself: a meditation session with the stones is, without a doubt, a much more effective practice for refocusing and harmonising your vital energies.

In brief

The crown chakra is also called the coronal chakra or coronary chakra. It is located at the top of the skull, at the fontanel.
It is the full consciousness chakra. It reinforces the good relationship with the beyond and the divine being.
The crown chakra is also linked to self-knowledge, beliefs and spirituality.
A crown chakra that is too open offers the sensation of not finding its place in society.
A blocked crown chakra leads one to accumulate material goods and to run away from one’s responsibilities.
Amethyst, moonstone and rock crystal are the main stones acting on the crown chakra. Place one of these stones on your fontanel and practice a meditation session for at least 20 minutes to initiate the harmonization of this chakra.

Lithotherapy consists of drawing the vibratory energy from each stone to obtain benefits that affect our body and mind. The energy of each stone is determined by its chemical composition, which diffuses different energies and will therefore have various influences on our state of mind and behaviour.

We had previously seen 6 stones to overcome stress and anxiety, but today it is those that protect us from evil, bad people, the evil eye and negative energies that we are particularly interested in.

Why do you need a protection stone?

Not all so-called protection stones protect in the same way and from the same things. Indeed, the power of stones is strong, but none of them offer perfect and total protection, so you must discern your real needs in terms of protection to choose the stone that best suits you.

The benefits of stones are so numerous that it is difficult to state them all. You would have to study lithotherapy at length to understand the power and scope of each one concretely, but this requires time and investment. So Coco Papaya makes your task easier and helps you to find THE stone most relevant to your needs.

To begin, you need to have clear ideas and take the time to reflect. Indeed, often, one problem hides another, deeper and more difficult to admit. To determine them precisely, don’t hesitate to practice meditation and/or list your needs and fears on paper.

The different families of protection stones

The protective stones can be classified into 4 distinct families. These have a different way of acting on energies. This classification may vary somewhat depending on people’s opinions and experience, but it is the one that seemed to us the most accurate. It is up to you to make your own opinion by experimenting with lithotherapy and the power of stones. Then determine which energies were released from each stone and in which category you would place it.

Absorbent protective stones

Stones that we categorize as absorbent will retain negative energies, preserving the wearer from them, up to a certain absorption threshold. Once the stone has accumulated a maximum amount of negative energies, it reaches a saturation stage and can cause more harm than good by rejecting the previously stored energies. To avoid reaching this stage, these stones must be frequently purified, or even replaced, like the obsidian which has a limited wearing time.

In this family of so-called absorbent protective stones, we find in particular black tourmaline, black obsidian or celestial eye and labradorite.

Repulsive protective stones

These stones will repel negative energies, this is what many call the mirror effect. They reflect the energies, without storing them, and therefore do not present the problem of saturation. On the other hand, they can also reflect the energies of the wearer back to himself. This means that the bad energy transmitted by the wearer of the stone can be sent back to him. This is why we do not recommend these stones to people who are temporarily charged with negative energies, such as people who are very depressed for example.

In this category, we find in particular the tiger’s eye which is considered to be the protective repellent stone par excellence.

Protective stones for appeasement

The stones we are talking about here are not protective in themselves, but they break down the energy mechanisms that create situations of discomfort or malaise triggered by negative energies. In particular, they allow you to regain calm and lucidity, to evacuate anger and avoid being overwhelmed by a stressful situation.

The main stones with these benefits are amethyst, moonstone and labradorite. We discover that labradorite is both absorbent and soothing, making it a particularly interesting protective stone.

Protective stones by radiation aid

The stones of this family have the effect of influencing a person’s energies, pushing them to develop positive energies. They can help to develop an aura that will deter some people from being hostile towards their wearer. They can also help to limit fatigue and sadness. These stones influence mood and actions in a positive way, but can lead to a feeling of invincibility, and can cause an oversized ego in wearers who are already particularly confident. They are therefore recommended mainly for people who feel a lack of self-confidence.

This family includes sunstone, fire opal, carnelian and hematite.

Lithotherapy explains to us that each crystal, each stone, each mineral is charged with a vibratory energy that influences our body and mind and helps us to feel better every day. The energy of each one is notably determined by its colour and chemical composition. Crystals and minerals therefore diffuse different energies which will have various influences on our state of mind and behaviour.

The Indian doctrine of “Kundalini Yoga” has divided these energies into 7 main categories corresponding to our 7 main chakras.

Western lithotherapy, which is inspired by this, also gives very specific benefits to each stone. Let’s see here which ones are recommended to us to fight against stress and its symptoms.

Amethyst: the anti-stress stone par excellence.

Leonardo da Vinci wrote about it that amethyst had “the power to dispel bad thoughts”. It is a soothing stone that helps us to get rid of sadness and nervousness. It invites us to calm, meditation and promotes restful sleep.

Amazonite: the joyful stone.

With its elegant gradations of cool, natural colours, amazonite is truly a beautiful stone, but not only that! It is also appreciated for its anti-stress action which spreads joy of life and spontaneity in us. Another appreciable virtue: Amazonite protects us from electromagnetic waves such as those emitted by electronic devices (smartphones, televisions…).

Rose quartz: the stone of love and peace.

If I had to choose two words that sum up rose quartz, I would say softness and harmony. This crystal spreads serenity around it and helps us to overcome painful episodes (separation, death…). A feminine stone par excellence, it is particularly recommended to young mothers to alleviate baby blues.

Jasper: the quiet strength.

Enthusiasts consider it as one of the essential stones of lithotherapy: jasper brings us peace of mind, confidence (in ourselves and in the future) and helps us to let go. There are several varieties of jasper in different colours. To fight against stress, I particularly recommend wood jasper (or “landscape” jasper) which will certainly be the most effective.

The rhodochrosite: to open up to others.

When we feel tenderness and compassion for others, we adopt a more positive, less self-centred attitude, which helps us to put our own worries into perspective and dispel our anxieties. It is precisely this energy that rhodochrosite diffuses, a stone that, by opening us to others, tempers our hyper-emotivity and regulates the emotional overflow.

Stone needle: the anti-stress remedy from Asia.

Little known in the West, the stone needle (or “stone needle”), also called Bianshi (or Bian Shi), is a traditional Chinese medicine remedy still used today in some hospitals. It is a highly magnetic stone to which many curative virtues are attributed, including the ability to promote relaxation and ease the mind.

So here are 6 stones that I advise you to wear to combat stress in your daily life. There are others of course!

And to wear your favourite stones, Coco Papaya offers you stone lithotherapy jewellery. Having trouble choosing? We present you the lucky jewels and the secret of semi-precious stones.

Before talking to you about the powers of stones, I would like to give you 2 pieces of advice that I think are essential to choose your lucky charm jewel in semi-precious stones.

Believing in the power of stones!

Do stones really have a power or are they just inert stones? This debate has been going on for centuries and is not about to dry up!

On the one hand, the hard-core rationals who will never give in: for them stones have no power, no influence whatsoever on us, full stop! On the other, the enlightened mystics, for whom a rock crystal worn as a pendant can change your life overnight.

You know what? In my opinion, both are wrong! The truth is more nuanced…

My down-to-earth side calls me to be careful and not to expect too much from stones: no, they won’t solve all my problems in the blink of an eye, no, they won’t make me a millionaire next week! But another part of me wonders: “can one claim to have pierced all the mysteries of Mother Nature? For to claim loud and clear that stones have no power is to proclaim that we have already understood and explained everything about nature and how it works. Who can claim this? No one!

On the other hand, I note that natural stones have often intrigued people throughout the history of mankind. It is very curious to note that civilisations that are very far apart from each other have granted powers comparable to stones they had in common. Agate, for example, is a stone that has always and everywhere been associated with luck, success, courage and self-fulfilment. Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Celts, Vikings, Sioux? These tribes have in common that they have been fascinated by this stone, and that they have granted it very similar powers! And this is true for many other stones…

So my advice is: believe in the power of stones! Yes, it is quite possible that a stone contains a magnetism, or whatever mysterious energy that contributes to our well-being, or to improving your daily life, without us understanding exactly how it works! Why not give yourself that part of a dream? Believe in the power of stones as one clings to a slightly crazy hope. Believe in it, but don’t pin all your hopes on it, or entrust your entire destiny to it.

This is how I am convinced that you will have the best chance to benefit from the magic of stones.

Choosing a piece of jewellery that you really like.

It is a more personal belief that I am entrusting to you here. I am firmly convinced that, in order for the stones to help us, it is necessary that a link be established between them and us.

You must feel attracted by the lucky jewel you are about to give yourself. You have to really like it, you have to want to wear it. Don’t choose first and foremost the one whose stones have the virtues and benefits you are looking for, but rather the one that catches your eye!

I believe that if you like this lucky charm very much, that it goes well with your style, then you will wear it often and with pleasure. The famous link can then be established. All the chances will be there for the magic of the stones to work …

My fetish stones.

To conclude this article, I propose you a list of some of my favourite stones and the virtues which are granted to them :

The amethyst: this pretty purple stone is certainly THE star of the gemstones in jewellery! It is believed to have the power to soothe our psyche and free us from stress, keeping away dark thoughts and other negative thoughts.

Moonstone: Its milky transparency and iridescent reflections give it a unique look… It is the stone of femininity par excellence. It is highly sought after for its benefits on women’s fertility.

White opal: a style close to moonstone. It is a stone to which many different virtues are attributed. Personally, I use it as a stone of intuition, when important choices present themselves to me.

Turquoise: a sunny colour ideal for summer looks. It is an excellent stone for protection and purification of energies.

Agate: it can be adorned with 1001 shimmering colours! This is the stone you need if you are waiting for a little help from fate 😉

Rose quartz: I love this pale pink crystal that evokes softness. This stone exacerbates love (maternal or conjugal), and opens us up to others.

Smoky quartz: its brown transparency gives it a lot of class. It can help you to stabilize yourself psychically and emotionally by erasing your fears and mood swings.

Lapis lazuli: an eye-catching indigo blue! It is said to be the stone of friendship because it frees us from shyness and gives us the courage to express ourselves.

The eye of the tiger: recognizable between 1000 with its brown and golden reflections. Beware, a particularly powerful stone. It is mainly used to ward off the evil eye.

Rock crystal: a very elegant transparent crystal. Highly charged in energy, rock crystal is considered the best stone for protection.

Onyx: its deep, satin-like black makes it the most mysterious stone! It is a stone of good fortune, which would also have the power to protect pregnant women and the life it shelters.

Oh, there are many others, it’s true! I will have the opportunity to tell you about it in a new article, very soon…

You will find, in our online shop, a wide choice of semi-precious stone jewellery accessible to all budgets. Recently, we also offer a range of lucky bracelets with our own brand, handcrafted with selected fine stones. I am sure you will find your favourite jewel in the Coco Papaya shop!

Many people do not know what this reaction of the material is due to. Too often customers mistakenly think that the jeweller has sold them a poor quality silver jewel.
Don’t worry, this is not a sign of poor quality, but an intrinsic property of the chemical composition of silver.

The causes of tarnishing and blackening of silver :

The technique to avoid blackening: rhodium plating!

Rhodium plating will protect your silver jewellery from oxidation. Most jewellery

How does it work?

Rhodium plating consists of electrolytically depositing rhodium on a gold or silver jewel. Rhodium plating will protect silver and white gold from the chemical agents responsible for its blackening, i.e. sulphur compounds present in the air and on the skin. It also offers a second major advantage: it makes it possible to obtain jewellery with a rare brilliance and gives your old jewellery back its original shine and light!

What is rhodium?

Discovered in 1803, rhodium is a rare and noble metal from the platinum group. It is a rare metal that comes mainly from South Africa, the Urals (Russia) and Ontario. Around 20 tonnes are currently produced each year.

Extremely expensive (more expensive than gold), it is silvery-white in colour and, above all, very hard and stainless at room temperature. Moreover, it does not tarnish over time.

How long will this protection last?

It is important to know that although this process is remarkable, it is not eternal. The lifespan of this layer depends on its thickness and the care given to the jewel: 1 year, 2 years … sometimes a little longer. Indeed, friction and shocks are the main causes of its deterioration. So remember to take good care of your jewellery and to store it in special cases to avoid these shocks.

It is therefore necessary to renew it regularly, with a kit to be used at home or at a jeweller’s.

If you wish to keep your jewellery as you bought it, you will therefore need to regularly apply a new layer of rhodium (always accompanied by polishing beforehand to completely remove the old layer of rhodium).

What is the cost of rhodium plating?

As we have seen, rhodium is more expensive than gold. However, as the layer applied to the jewellery is thin, the extra cost is not astronomical.

At Dakaralliances, the rhodium plating of a silver ring will cost you around 7,000 FCFA. The price may be higher for bulky jewellery.

Finally, don’t forget that rhodium plating remains a choice. Certainly a silver jewel for example, will keep a new look without you having to maintain it, much longer than an untreated jewel. But you may also prefer to see your jewellery evolve over time.